Our Vision
Zoonotic Diseases
Antimicrobial Resistance
- How to minimize Antimicrobial Resistance effects
- Aware Public about AMR and it's negative impacts on them
- Awareness through online courses, seminars and events.

Educating people to know which diseases they can get from animals and how to avoid these.
If the animals are healthy, so the people will be. Protection and vaccination of animals is therefore necessary.
Many zoonotic diseases are bacterial, microbes are gradually becoming resistance against the drugs.
Detecting where the zoonotic diseases are most common and planning accordingly to control these.
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Become a part of our team because there are many benefits of joining us. You wanted to do your part to help the millions of animals, this is the best platform to do so. Remember OZDAC is a non-profit organization and there is a little fee if you want to join us as a member.